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Who Designs and Directs in LORT Tehatres by Pronoun
The BIPOC Director Database
American Theater Leadership Changes
United States Institute for Technology sites
BIPOC Network
Women in Theatre
Queer Nation
USITT Gateway Program
Theatre Folx of Color
Chicago Minority Actor Database
the American Theatre Critics Association Diverse Critics List and Resource Hub
Maia Directors
Asian American Stage Directors
LatinX Theater Directors
Black Femme Theatre Directors
Indigenous Artist Network
Plays with Deaf Characters and/or by Deaf Authors
Deaf Theatre Artists and ASL Interpreters
Latina/o/x Theatre Scholar Database
Latina/o/x Stage Manager Database
Latina/o/x Stage Artistic Personnel Database
Trans* Theater Makers
No Excuse List to Women/Non Binary/Two Spirit Dramaturgs of Color
South Asian Theater Artists
The T List
Crowdsourced Resources for PoC/Diverse Theatre Artists
The Parity Database
First Nations Theatre Guild
Indigenous Direction
A Chicago BIMPOC Theatre Network
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LatinX Musical Theatre Writers
Global Majority Professionals in American Theater
People of the Global Majority VO List
Diverse Dramaturgs: Racially, Ethnically, Culturally